Yet another example of our “flying service”: The Hallberg-Rassy 43 SID sailed to Adams Boat Care AB in Orust where she was left for no more than one week. 7 days later, the boat had its new lighting system by Båtsystem and a very happy new owner.


Axel Rydin (the owner) tells his story:
“I was very skeptical in the beginning to say the least. Would the boat sail faster with a new lighting system? No. So why bother? A Hallberg-Rassy is a good boat and we have been happy with her ever since she was new 12 years ago. So why change?
“It was actually my wife Eva who wanted a new interior look and she was possibly also a bit fed up with me constantly telling her to switch off the lights at all times. Power consumption, you know… In the end, she couldn’t stand my ‘have you switched off the light in the head, darling?’ sort of talk.
“And when I heard what it would cost, I got even less interested. So much money! For nothing but light! You see, it cost as much as new sails for my boat! And new sails are essentials, obviously. What are some lamps compared to new sails? (Eva then reminded me of the fact that we had just bought new sails the year before, and it was to become her time now to get something for the boat that she really wanted).
“What should I do? I love my wife and if she really wanted new lights, I might better give in, I thought. Leon came onboard and started to measure and explain about what light meant to the interior of a boat. Eva and Leon seemed to get along very well, while I was still wandering if it would really be necessary.
I tried to compromise by suggesting that we should only change the lighting in the salon, but then Eva looked first at me and then at Leon and said: ‘No, either we do the entire boat or not at all!’ (And the latter seemed no option, looking at her face).
“Now, after having seen the professionals of Adams Boat Care working and how efficiently and beautifully they installed the lights and all the dimmers, I must say Eva was right. It has, indeed, become a totally new boat down below. So cozy, so warm, so beautiful, and, not to forget, she feels so much wider and larger. I actually had forgotten how wonderful the interior wood-work of a Hallberg-Rassy was, sitting in the dark salon at night before. Now I can see all the structure of the wonderful mahogany.
“I am so glad and so thankful for both my wife Eva’s strong feeling about light and Leon, who didn’t give up and continued to explain and then to organized it all for us.
“And yes, the boat does sail faster now, thanks to a happier crew!”
Axel Rydin hallbergrassy