The Project in Details
When the owners from Germany hand over their beloved Hallberg-Rassy
Rudolf and Doris had spent their holiday sailing their HR-312 Saida from their home port in Germany to Orust via Norway and would now leave their boat in Orust over the winter. She was to get a new teak deck, which was the original reason for them to come to Orust. The vacuum suction technique with the patented teak shape is reason enough to have your boat getting a new deck at Adams Boat Care over the winter.
For Doris and Rudolf it quickly became obvious that it could become so much more than just changing the teak: When Rudolf and Doris discovered that they could get help with all aspects of boat refit, it was decided that Saida would be treated as if she had come to a health resort, getting the best possible treatment.
We started with a tour around Adams Boat Care. They were shown how the entire process is being done and could witness the work currently done on a Vindö and a Najad, which were both in the process of getting a new teak deck.
Then, there were some technical issues to be looked at, e.g. Saida’s water tank was not quite water tight and the boat needed some rigging work done as well. The water tank issue was dealt with by Carl Adams, while we quickly called the rigger Daniel to discuss the rigging issues. Daniel took ample time to go through the rig with Rudolf and to discuss his wishes and necessary work. It was figured it was timely to exchange the standing rigging, but the running rigging still looked good enough. Rudolf wanted a service made on the Furlex and to service the winches on the mast at the same time, while the winches in the cockpit just needed the ordinary maintenance, Daniel thought.
Then, Anna from Adams Boat Care came onboard. Doris and Anna discussed the interior and how the varnish could be touched up. There are always small scratches that need to be looked at, and it is a joy to talk to a professional who knows varnish so well as Anna.
When Rudolf and Doris finally came onboard Regina Laska, HR-46, we demonstrated the lighting system onboard and explained how easily it can be refitted on any boat thanks to the smart LED-Tapes. The dimmers did the the rest to convince Doris and Rudolf that this would be something they’d like to have onboard their own HR312. Actually, the smaller the boat, the more important it gets to build space by means of light design. A HR-312 Mk1 is a very good example for this, due to its lack of windows in the coachroof and deep shelves (often filled with books) where the windows in the hull are found. These shelves are excellent to be lit up in order to create an interesting atmosphere.
I think Doris and Rudolf went home in good faith that we would take well care of Saida.
After their return to Germany, they wrote to us: “Me and Doris were very satisfied with our visit in Ellös, Orust. I would like to thank you once again that you have helped us to get in contact with the Refit-Team. I am absolutely convinced that we are exactly at the right place. It was such a joy to see how engaged, competent and thereby friendly the members of the team are. Each one is a specialist in his field and yet everything goes “hand-in-hand”. Excellent!!!
Your offer to be available when I have more questions and to help is very appreciated. I’m sure there are still quite some questions to come, which need to be clarified from my side, e.g. ‘…. think light, not lamps’ “.

All boat owners are special. When taking care of a boat for a refit, we try to be highly customer-oriented and to listen to the boat owners in order to find out exactly what he or she wishes to achieve with the refit.
The Boatrefit Team of Orust is not a yard requiring the customer to provide a ready “to-do-list”, which is then ticked off by the numerous employees and subcontractors. At Adams Boat Care and his Team we listen, discuss and care. Sometimes, an owner even doesn’t even know what he exactly wants but has some ideas which need to be discussed to find a cost efficient solution. For us, it is important that the boat owner meets the individual team members in person and thus we very much welcome boat owners to Orust where you also can see boats in progress. Every team member feels dedicated and involved and the owner forms part of the co-operation.
When Rudolf and Doris landed with their 30 year old Hallberg-Rassy 31 in Orust, they wished to stay for several days in order to go through the boat in detail to jointly discuss various possibilities and solutions. The boat builders on Orust know their profession and have decades and decades of boatbuilding experience which they are so happy to share.
We had the joy to spend one full day together with Rudolf and Doris. We called in the corresponding experts, whenever a subject was discussed and Rudolf and Doris could talk to the very people who then will actually do the individual jobs. By this, any misunderstandings can be solved before they even appear.

The boat is prepared for demasting and the lift

Up she goes

Doris (left) and Anna discussing varnish, while Carl and Rudolf are in deep discussions down below

Refit is fun! Doris and Carl have found each other!

Rudolf discussing the interior work with Carl (left)

The rigger Daniel looking at the rigging

Playing around with LED-Tape and planning the new lighting system by Båtsystem using a new mahogany ribbon
Saida getting a new teakdeck
The refit team of Orust has been working on the HR-312 Saida during winter. Since Rudolf and Doris will not come and see her until the first week of April, we sent them a couple of photos of the progress in order to discuss further steps.
Rudolf and Doris have decided to proceed with the refit step-by-step and had a long list of small issues for the first winter in Orus: a leaking water tank, repairing the sprayhood and fixing the deck fitting for the mast cables, for instance. Anna was also to touch up the entire wooden interior and one of the teak pieces in the companionway had to be replaced. Further, there are some major works done as well, such as a new standing rigging, a new teak deck, a new 230V power system and the new LED lighting concept.
What makes the refit team of Adams Boat Care so special, is that they do not just do the job they are told to do, but think along the way. The team members may give suggestions for improvements to the customers while working. We think this is one of the secrets behind the success behind the refit organization and why the best boatbuilders choose and love to work for the refit team: They may be creative during their work.
For this reason, it is, obviously, important to get to know the customers and to understand them well. Rudolf and Doris find it very re-assuring that they can speak with our refit consultant in their native language, namely German.

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The refit team investigating the work on Saida together with the owner of HR46 Blue Daisy Artur and Captain Ziemowit Baranski

Saida stripped of all its old teak except for the foot-list
When Adams Boat Care had removed the old teak they did not just replace it with new teak, but they measured the moisture in the plastic and carefully checked the deck laminate underneath.
This is when they found that there was extensive moisture under both genoa sheet travelers. The reason is that Hallberg-Rassy used to put plywood under the first layer of GRP to reinforce the underlying structure for the heavy loads of the genoa sheets. The problem is just that if water sippers through the laminate (which inevitably will happen with a screwed teak deck over time), the wood will be soaked. And this is what Adams When Adams Boat Care had removed the old teak they did not just replace it with new teak, but they measured the moisture in the plastic and carefully checked the deck laminate underneath.This is when they found that there was extensive moisture under both genoa sheet travelers. The reason is that Hallberg-Rassy used to put plywood under the first layer of GRP to reinforce the underlying structure for the heavy loads of the genoa sheets. The problem is just that if water sippers through the laminate (which inevitably will happen with a screwed teak deck over time), the wood will be soaked. And this is what Adams Boat Care found when they worked on Saida. They also found the hatch over the anchor box was not looking healthy.

The underlying plywood under the genoa sheet travelers inside the GRP laminate was wet and had to be replaced

A close-up of the laminate with screw holes going through the laminate. Water was leaking into the laminate and the wood was soaked. It is now replaced the proper way with solid GRP and Divinycell
Intermediate meeting with Rudolf and Doris
In April, Rudolf and Doris came to visit their beloved HR-312 Saida, to see the progress of the work and to discuss further steps in the refitting project. Incredible: At first they came to Orust for the sole reason to change the teak deck and once they were here, so many more interesting possibilities opened up thanks to the great people in the Refit Team and their very personal engagement in every detail. It turned into a much more far-reaching refit than originally anticipated.
Where else is there better expertise in boatbuilding than in Orust, where people have been building boats for centuries. Further, the Team is so dedicated and love these boats so much that they put their heart and souls into their boat projects.
When Doris and Rudolf came to visit their Saida in Orust, we started looking at the teak deck that was almost finished by Adams Boat Care’s partner, Ellös Team & Marinservice AB and enjoyed to look at the extra work that Kai and his team had put into all details.

Kai (left) and Carl (second from left) proudly show the details and the efforts that have been put into the teak deck for Rudolf and Doris (right)
We thereafter discussed the hull, where Rudolf at first thought that it needed to be painted. However, Carl thought there was no need for this and that his experts could polish it to its former beauty. This was an unexpected good news for Rudolf.
However, on these older HR’s the blue stripe is painted and not part of the gelcoat and hence it would be a good idea to have Anna paint the blue stripe while the windows are being replaced anyway.

Carl and Rudolf discussing the hull

Anna having started to work on the blue stripes after Rudolf’s and Doris’ visit to Orust
The rigger Daniel also got a chance to talk with Rudolf. Daniel is our local official Seldén dealer and the head rigger for the Women’s international world Swedish match championship in Lysekil. He discussed Saida’s rig with Rudulf in every little detail. When investigating the rig, he found cracks in 5 of the 6 mast fittings for the shrouds. One of them was so cracked that it easily broken into two pieces by hand. Frightening findings! Obviously it was only a matter of time until Saida would have lost its mast and Rudolf feels so good to be in the safe hands of Adams Boat Care and his careful team.

This is what Rudolf wrote after he saw the photos of the cracks in the rig fittings:
“Dear Leon,
Thank you for the photos. Well, I have to do some deep thoughts regarding this. I have never really checked the mast very thoroughly. I think the reason was that I do not have any “relationship” with it – meaning experience. Very careless and dangerous! I have learnt from this – thanks to the thorough work by Daniel. I am ever so thankful!
Rudolf “
The rigger Daniel in deep discussions with Rudolf, while Carl Adams and Christer Verta, the Chief Engineer, are having a nice chat in the April sun
Daniel also did a full service of the Furlex and we think the photos talk for themselves to illustrate that it is a good thing to have the Furlex taken apart and serviced by an official Seldén rigger, such as Daniel.

The Furlex taken apart before the cleaning and servicing
The serviced parts ready to be put together again

The new running rigging: Having new halyards is a joy for eyes and hands

When customers come to Orust to see their boat during refit is a great opportunity for a new friendship: Anna, Rudolf and Carl having fun while talking refit

This photo says it all: The members of the Refit Team of Orust love working together, love Hallberg-Rassy boats and have a very close contact with customers. Carl Adams (left) and Christer Verta (right), Chief Engineer.
It is a great fortune to have such nice customers like Doris and Rudolf, who appreciate the efforts and engagement so much!
On their last day in Orust, Rudolf and Doris brought a big wooden box: Their favorite wines. How nice of them.